2015: Graced by the sea { 32 images } Created 31 Aug 2015
The first smile after hours of sailing. The first sign of humanity. The first perception of salvation.
Dignity 1 represents all this, for the hundreds of migrants and refugees rescued in the Mediterranean in recent months.
The step from ships and rafts of Libyan smugglers to the Doctors Without Borders' raft is a moment of rupture.
Between the uncertainty about the future and the certainty of living still.
In this moment of rupture lie the different reactions of those who have Boarded, paying traffickers, in a black sea, without horizons.
The smile of those who feel to have reached the goal, the tears of those do not contain the emotion, the sleep of exhaustion, the gratitude to the first unknown capable of a loving gesture. The dignity of all.
Dignity 1 represents all this, for the hundreds of migrants and refugees rescued in the Mediterranean in recent months.
The step from ships and rafts of Libyan smugglers to the Doctors Without Borders' raft is a moment of rupture.
Between the uncertainty about the future and the certainty of living still.
In this moment of rupture lie the different reactions of those who have Boarded, paying traffickers, in a black sea, without horizons.
The smile of those who feel to have reached the goal, the tears of those do not contain the emotion, the sleep of exhaustion, the gratitude to the first unknown capable of a loving gesture. The dignity of all.